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Monday, December 5, 2022

Advantages of Adult Orthodontics

While many people think orthodontic treatment such as braces is mainly for children, it can help your health at any age.

Crooked teeth are harder to clean and the wear will be uneven. This can lead to inflamed gums and toothache which may even lead to you losing teeth.

Orthodontic treatment can therefore help prevent gum problems and tooth loss.

Another health benefit of having your teeth working effectively is that chewing is an important part of digestion. When you are not able to chew food properly, the rest of the digestive system has to work harder.

An important benefit of orthodontic treatment is therefore that in can help solve and prevent digestion problems.

Orthodontic treatment in adults is similar to teenage treatment although it normally takes a bit longer.

The healing process takes a bit longer as you get older so the orthodontist will need to move your teeth more slowly for example.

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